After Trey Songz was revealed as the replacement for Joe Thomas on the theme song for Power, “Big Rich Town,” many of the show’s fans were in an uproar, claiming that the producers had ruined it.
Things even reached executive producer 50 Cent, who was joking about the situation, although it looks like he has decided to comply with the wishes of his fans, and is bringing Joe back for good.
Songz is still a popular singer and enjoys the attention of many, but the decision to replace him in a piece as iconic as the opening song for Power was seen as a very bad move by the showrunners.
Thankfully, 50 Cent seems to be in touch with what his fans want, and he was determined to make things right.
Some have also speculated that this was all a carefully calculated move to boost the show’s ratings.
While it would not be the first time something like this has happened in the history of entertainment, many seem to have more trust in 50’s moral values and his position in the industry, and there is not much agreement in his community of fans that he might have done this on purpose.
Instead, it is much more likely that this was a poorly planned attempt to spice things up in the show, as 50 Cent did not expect his fans to be so attached to the original theme song.
However, in the end, he has shown to care for his audience more than the average producer, as he is bringing things back to normal.
The Power theme song change was not a total fiasco because the rap mogul was quick in the way he handled the fallout.
One Joe fan reacted by saying: “We got you back, baby!! Original Theme song back!! Power fans fought 50, and they listened. When are you going on tour, Joe? We love you!”
A second supporter added: “I am glad to see that your version of the theme song is back on Power. Nothing against Tre but I like your version better.”
A third Joe enthusiast shared: “OMG!! You’re BACK on the theme!! I was so happy when I turned on this episode! I was HOT when I heard that new one. A few years ago (first season)…You on that intro was what legitimized this show after I’d been told I needed to watch it. I’m a hard sell. But when I heard your voice (that I could recognize IMMEDIATELY), I was bobbing my head and interested. If Joe lent his vocals, then I must check it out. And the show was the SHIT. 😂😂😂 we love you, Joe Thomas!! You’re the truth.”
Joe’s fans were able to turn things around.